Fight Club 2025
Fight Club members are an elite group of individuals in our community who have been charged with raising funds for the STAR Center while training as fighters at The Fightshop for three months, working towards the chance to compete in Black Tie & Boxing of Jackson 2025. During this time, Fight Club members gain a greater understanding of the work The STAR Center has been doing in West Tennessee for the last 35 years and now across the state of Tennessee! Over the next few months, they will be introduced to some of our clients and how they fight every day to #CrushTheNo. We are grateful for the support of Arrow Athletics for allowing our fighters to use their facilities for training leading up to Black Tie & Boxing.
Meet our 2025 Fight Club Members
Support your favorite Fight Club members below by clicking on their picture which will take you directly to their individual fundraising page. Every donation goes directly to the STAR Center and helps the STAR Center continue to help individuals with disabilities #CrushTheNO.
Financial Advisor
Police Officer
Termite Technician
Biomedical Technician
Meet our 2025 Fight Club Coaches
John Payne
Jerry Corley
Kim White
Jaime Richardson
2023 was Fight Club's third year, and the incredible group of men and women involved raise $20,000 for The STAR Center!
2024 was Fight Club's fourth year, and the incredible group of men and women involved raise a record setting $30,970 for The STAR Center!
2022 was the second year of Fight Club, and the incredible fighters raised over $20,000 for JDRF (the Junior Diabetes Research Foundation.)
2020 was the first year that Black Tie & Boxing Fight Club began! It included a group of 11 gentlemen from our community that raised over $26,000 for JDRF (the Junior Diabetes Research Foundation.)